Data Products
BK18_bandpowers_20210607.txt Text file containing bandpowers and error bars for all BB spectra used in the BK18 likelihood analysis. Bandpowers are specified as ℓ (ℓ+1) C / 2π in units of μK2. These are the same data as shown in Figure 15 of BK-XIII, except that figure uses 100 ℓ C / 2π. The error bars include sample variance corresponding to the maximum likelihood lensed-ΛCDM+r +dust+synchrotron model, as in Figure 15.
BK18_r_likelihood_20210607.txt Text file containing the tabulated likelihood for the tensor-to-scalar ratio, r, marginalized over dust and synchrotron foreground components, as shown with the black curve in the upper left panel of Figure 4 of BK-XIII.
BK18_components_20210607.txt Text file containing the per-ell bin spectral decomposition found in Figure 16 of BK-XIII. Includes the most probable value and 68%/95% credible intervals for CMB, 95/150 GHz dust, and 95/150 GHz synchrotron components. See file header or BK-XIII for more details.
Text files containing average bandpass of BK18 BICEP3 95, Keck 95, BICEP2/Keck 150, and Keck 220 GHz maps.
BK18_cosmomc.tgz Data and code necessary for reproducing analysis results from BK-XIII. Examples of how to run this code and reproduce the figures are included.
chains.tgz CosmoMC chains of the BK18 baseline results and the joint fitting Planck 2018+BK18+BAO. They are the chains for figure 4 and figure 5 of BK-XIII respectively.
BK18_Nl_fsky_20210607.txt Text file containing noise bandpowers, standard deviation of the noise bandpowers, and effective sky fraction for the BK18 BICEP3 95, BICEP2/Keck 150, and Keck 220 GHz auto-spectra. These values are shown in Figure 3 of BK-XIII.
rns_code.tgz Python code and associated files that can be used to reproduce Figure 5, constraints in the r–ns plane from BK18, Planck 2018, and BAO data.
FITS files containing the apodization mask used in the BK18 power spectrum analysis for “large field” maps (BICEP3, WMAP, and Planck). BICEP2/Keck Array maps use a smaller apodization mask, similar to the one found on the BK14 data release page. The mask is provided for either celestial (cel) or Galactic (gal) coordinates in Healpix format with Nside=512 and RING ordering.

NOTE: While this apodization represents the spatial weighting applied to maps for the BK18 power spectrum analysis, it does not fully describe the weighting of modes. Timestream filtering and deprojection of instrumental beam systematics remove additional modes from the maps and are accounted for in the BK18 analysis by Monte Carlo techniques.


Admin: Irene Coyle